
Get Involved

The strength of the Commission on Homelessness is in the broad base of agencies and organizations that participate in developing and improving the region’s projects and activities which provide services and housing to homeless people.

Within Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, there are committees comprised of our peers who have come together with the purpose of collaborating to enhance our system of care for persons within our community experiencing homelessness. Each committee focuses on an aspect of our system. See below list of committees.

Committees to join:

  • Technical Expertise Committee (TEC)
    • Sub-committee: Lived Experience Council (LEC)
  • Youth Committee
  • Youth Action Society (YAS)
  • Disaster Preparedness Committee
  • HMIS Advisory Committee
  • PIT (Point-In-Time Count) Advisory Committee
  • Veteran Advisory Committee
If there is a committee that you are interested in joining, please reach out to Rashad Haynes at