
Get involved — become a member — join a committee

The Commission depends on the continued efforts of our members, our partner agencies, local businesses and our government agencies, coming together to achieve the common goal of making the experience of homelessness rare and brief.

The membership then forms a variety of committees which provide guidance and expertise to our leadership.

For the convenience of CFCH membership, recent monthly meeting materials are available on our Past Activities page.

The Commission cannot exist without the coordinated efforts of our faith-based communities, other nonprofits, local businesses and our government agencies. It is through the dedicated efforts of our major partner organizations that we are all working to make homelessness in Central Florida rare, brief and a one-time event.

Find more information below on some of the service providers we work with to build a coordinated, regional system of care, here in Central Florida.

Legal Aid

Wayne Densch

We work with over 100 community organizations that provide food, job training, shelter and other services.

Learn More