Roger has been in his apartment for four months now. After living on the streets since 2011, he was excited when he learned he would be housed.

“When I first got here, I was excited,” Roger said. “I don’t have to worry about waking up early being told to leave a certain area.”

With help from Pathway Homes of Florida, Roger is now in a safe and stable apartment and receiving case management services. Pathway Homes serves 120 adults in community-based permanent supportive housing and intensive case management.

Roger’s case manager, Shatreka, works with him to ensure that his healthcare needs are met as well as other necessities.

Like so many of our neighbors who formerly experienced homelessness, Roger’s story of success was birthed from a hardship through no fault of his own.

He had a major health event that led to him losing his job and being forced to live on the streets. Roger tried to find work, but because of his medical condition, he kept getting turned away.

While on the streets, he experienced a lot of crime and his belongings were stolen. He did a great deal of moving around, never staying in one place for too long. While on the streets, he felt judged and was looked down upon.

That’s all over for Roger now that he’s housed. He has more privacy, freedom, and his health has improved.

Since moving into his apartment, he enjoys cooking chicken and making sloppy joe’s for dinner.

“Since I got off the streets, I feel a lot better about myself,” Roger said.

He no longer has to worry about his stuff being stolen or being judged now that he has a safe and stable home to go to every night.

“I can make my own rules. Nobody else is making decisions for me.”

- roger

in describing how it feels to be housed

Learn more about how community partner, Pathway Homes of Florida, serves those experiencing homelessness